For Those Who Have Been Waiting for Me To Return to My Bisexual Roots
I've just given my heart to a boy... named Winter.
Obviously, there will be some problems in the relationship, given that he is some sort of cat. Besides the language barrier, he lives in Boston and I live in Oakland, and he is kind of a technophobe about e-mail. PLUS the usual male intimacy issues-- he doesn't come toward you if you are someone other than his mommy if you are doing anything except running away from him. I was charmed by his good looks and his bold smiley-eyed kitty kisses (slow-blinking at me) from across the room while I was visiting his mommy a few days ago. I've been thinking about him ever since. His mommy wrote me to tell me that he said hi, but I'm guessing she's putting words in his mouth. He's probably already moved on to the next house guest. This is destined to be just a summer (or, winter) camp crush never to be realized after the initial flirting. But isn't he a handsome, handsome whatever he is?
The story that really won me over after the initial swoon over his sweetness and good looks is that when my friend got him a kitten after his first indoor kitty friend (a few weeks after he was rescued) died suddenly, she says he adopted that kitten and even nursed it on his man-nipples. Swoonable, yes?
The photo doesn't really show his size-- he could stand on his hind legs and look up on the kitchen counter if he wanted to. He has big wide feet and humongous ears like a Savannah cat, and he can leap any piece of furniture he sets his mind to. He easily jumped on and off the fridge from the ground. But shy and gentle, ladies, shy and gentle.
I guess he's some kind of Savannah Serval. Check out the Exotic Feline Rescue Center if you are a-hankering for a nice big gorgeous man-cat to adopt. Check out the Savannah Cat Club for more pictures of eye-candy cats like Winter.