I should've been tipped off by the web site describing it as a "fictional reality show."
Thanks for everyone who wrote lovely recommendations on my behalf. Just so you know, the application did not in fact ask for your gender identity. I bet a lot of other girls applied. But they only apologize to the men. Like my feelings wouldn't be hurt.
Dear Lapdance Island applicant
I would like to apologise unreservedly to the tens of thousands of men who
recently applied online to take part in E4's new reality show Lapdance Island
at http://www.channel4.com/lapdanceisland
The show promised to take ten hot blooded male contestants to a deserted
tropical island and have forty lapdancers gyrate around them 24 hours a day.
The truth is there are no lapdancers. There is no island. There is no show.
We made it up to promote The Pilot Show, a genuine series starting on September 8 at 10.30pm on E4. The Pilot Show hilariously dupes unsuspecting celebrities and members of the public into appearing in bogus TV shows.
Sorry about the lapdancers but, as compensation, you can laugh as other people get taken for a ride on The Pilot Show by watching the special preview clips at http://www.channel4.com/pilotshow.
Yours faithfully,
K Andrews
Managing Director, E4