Thursday, August 25, 2005

Flatulence: The Enemy Within

actually came up on a South African search engine when I was researching export credit agencies.

I think I detect a new international NGO starting up: Flatulence Without Borders.

    No matter where you go in this world, you will always find a local word for a flatulence outburst. In Japanese, it's called he. The Russian's perdun, the Chinese's fong, the German's furz, the French's pet, the Hindu's pud and the Afrikaans's poep give clear proof that flatulence knows no borders.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

From the Department of Pasta Research

We know you always wondered why dry spaghetti never breaks in half.

No more broken-spaghetti-fests in the kitchen for you.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Ah yes, why I'm still in San Francisco

We may have fog all summer, but we don't have ice storms in August.

The weather report today for my home "town" includes this lovely aside:

Any storms this afternoon may contain downpours, gusty winds, frequent lightning, and hail. Rain fall rates of an inch or so per hour will also be possible in some of the storms.

The weather for Adams Center, New York, at Weather Underground