Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Welcome to California, Here's Your Lesbian Name and Smoothie. Remember to end all your sentences like a question. Starbucks is bad. Smoking is bad. NEXT!

If you haven't received your Lesbian Name yet.

If you aren't going to walk away happy with that name. I recommend the "So You Want To Be A Cyborg?" link, being pro-cyborg as I am.

Thanks to Larry Bob of Holytitclamps fame for sending these links out in his events bulletin today. It's good to remind the local queercore folk to keep their names up-to-date per changing sexual orientation, gender identity and political affinity. There's nothing worse than an out-of-date name-- you don't want to see a dyke after two years in the Mission, six tattoos, eight piercings and three gender identity changes still being called Betsy Ravenflower of NorthWomynsland.

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