Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Hippie Crap Saves the World aka The Earth is Crammed with Heaven

Today some of my witch friends have been quoting the wisdom our local Bay Area astro-guru Rob Brezsny, the only biological man I've ever seen effectively (and stunningly so) lead a Pagan ritual prayer entirely by himself. He's also a Cancer like me, so his insight on the stars is tailor-made for me. Click on his name above to read Painful Blessings -- his very eloquent statement on the state of the world and the nearness of war and the necessity of inner fire. He is determined to recenter us on desire.

Also, scroll down, look on the right, and you'll find a letter from a Brezsny fan about another Brezsny fan-- Rachel Corrie, the woman who died this past Sunday trying to save the home of a Palestinian doctor. The tank driver claimed he didn't see her. She died with a bull horn in hand screaming Desist!

Rachel's Brezsny horoscope for this week:

    "It's a perfect moment to overcome your fear of revealing your raw beauty to the world..."

There is a lot of raw beauty left to be revealed to the Israeli government. And ours.

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