Thursday, August 29, 2002

Another Reason to Abandon Identity-Based Politics: the Curse of the G/L Consonant Cluster

I work in the US for the queer non-profit IGLHRC. I make fun of the acronym of the US queer organization NOGLSTP. A respected queer foundation is about to fund GLO-P (in South Africa- I see they have just changed their name to OUT) and GAG-L in Paraguay. I don't believe we are a minority if you include all permutations of queerness, but for acronymic consonant cluster reasons alone, I vote for "sexual minorities" to replace "gay and lesbian." Think of it. SM. OrgaSM, SMile, SMash, AweSM. Of course, I always tell people we should rename our organization Up With Sodomy, and have the Up With Sodomy Singers on a perpetual world tour. But they don't let me into the branding and fundraising meetings since I kept suggesting a human rights slave auction.

I have been living both in an identity-based and in a post-identity world now for at least a decade of queer activism, and the acronymicization of "GL" is just gonna kill me some day soon now. Yes, even with all the pretty GLOEs and GLAADs and GLSTNs.

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